Our NEW reality, our NEW normal, our NEW lives. . . is not something we wanted or asked for but something we were handed and couldnt hand back like and ugly pair of pants that make our butts look too big. This was non refundable, this was non exchangeable, this was no returns accepted! We were handed it and although the devistation was immediate, crippling and world crushing; the pride that came at that moment was one thing that we knew was there at that moment as well. The pride that our husbands made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, our country, our families, American families. We were now a part of history, not one we wanted but one that was now written in ink, could not be errased could not be changed, could not be rewritten. We were in black ink, for all to know and study. You know kinda like a science experiment with mold....watch and see what it will do, morph into!?!?
For a widow, we now have two lives; our "old" lives or as we call it our "before" life and our "new" life or our "after" life. We long for the "before" life when we felt so alive, in love, happy and had plans that reached beyond a war and the irritations of the moment. We were going to be that "happily ever after" story that everyone else longed for. We were going to grow old WITH the love of our lives. We were going to have children, watch them grow, get married, grandchildren, front porch matching rocking chairs..these was our lives, our hopes and our dreams. Then in a split second in time our lives changed. And we now had a "before" and "after" life. What now?
Life as we know it does not stop to allow us to grieve. Bills still had to be paid, children taken care of, school, work, cleaning, laundry, groceries. And although we do get some help with some of these things most of us were doing this with no help. Our daily lives were now colliding with our grieving lives. As we struggle to come to terms with what just happend and in the midst of constantly shaking our heads in disbelief we start to try and find a way to make our new and old lives mesh. This for me was the hardest part. I missed Chris and still do everyday but trying to figure out how to be who I was then and who I am now was nothing close to a magic trick...one Im still trying to perfect I might add. It seems as though that damn bunny comes out black when I want it white and white when it should be black. Most of the time the flowers that appear are not what I expected, but I keep trying in hopes that one day Ill have the perfect magic trick and all will be in sync...yeah I know....good luck right? But the meshing of the two lives is the hardest. Mainly because you fight with yourself all the time. We can be and for the most part ARE happy in our new lives, but that takes time, practice and concentration. And while were are trying to balance that we are missing, longing and wanting our old lives. We are in essence...."life bipolar" sufferers. One minute happy in our new life and in an instance...*poof* we are longing for our old life and sad agian. This is us, who we are and how we live now. Aint is grand?
Then there comes the balance between our old lives and those we knew us in them and our new lives and where each of them fits and if they even can. So many cant handle the new us, the "W" word seems to put people into an overdrive of "Oh My God how do I react"? Here I have a little bit of advice for those people, I became the widow, I lost everything, Im the one in pain, Im the one struggling to make sense of what just happend and what this means for the rest of my life. Why then is it so hard for you to just be there, love me and make me laugh when I need it, or lend me a shoulder? I need "normal" in my life not weirdness. I need stories about him, laughter, memories all the stuff we use to do. You are not the one who is suffering and grieving and although you may feel for me, you are not me. Just love me and if you cant...GO AWAY! The last thing a widow needs is people who think its all about them or that they know so much they constantly tell you how to handle it or what you should be doing. "Should be doing", yes becuase they have been through it and have every right to share their non-experience advice with us! Hell widows dont even do that with each other. And as I always say, we are in the same ocean but different boats and I can no more tell another widow how she should be doing or how she should be feeling, so I can promise someone who has never been in our shoes, you cant either and you shouldnt! Family seems to have a huge problem with this too. They seem to think you should be "over it" after a year. This one amazes me the most, "over it" is not a cold, its not a traditional wound that can he healed with neosporin and a bandaide...but man dont we wish it could at times? This is basically a life sentense for us. We live it, breathe it and fight with it every day of our lives. There are better day and there are worse days. There are days that bring us to tears for no reason at all and there are days that we are happy, content and full of life. But even in those days we are still missing them, loving them, longing for them and wanting nothing more than to just be with them for a split moment if that is all we get. This is our LIFE...our REALITY!
Being a widow is like being a snake that has a skin to shed but cant find the right rock to help pull it off. So we walk around with it hoping it will shed one day knowing that at some point we will have to do it all over again. Each year, each anniversary, each birthday, each special moment and memory makes that skin tighter and all we want to do is shed if for a moment and feel free to breathe normally. But just as a snake knows, soon the skin will get too tight need to be shed again. At times breahing becomes hard and you feel suffocated but there is always someone (usually a widster) that can help you breathe again.
The life of a widow....is pain, loss, sorrow, weakness, tears, missed dreams, missed futures, mising the past missed children, missed life and what ifs out the wazoo.
The life of a widow......is love, memories, pride, strength, laughter, support, confidence, power, honor, future, life, children, goals, accomplishments, sister hood of widsters.
But most of all...
The life of a widow...is making these mesh!
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