Ask most Americans what Veteran's Day means to them and its a day off, a day to BBQ, a day to be with family. And although that is all wonderful and special the real meaning of what this day represents eludes most people.
The meaning and importance of Veteran's Day has changed for me over the last 20 years. I will admit that when I was a kid, I did not know what the meaning of this day was all about; Im not sure I payed attention even in college. For me, like most Americans it was a day off school nothing more as this day was never made to be a big deal in school either. This day was just another day.
Then I met Chris, one of the most patriotic men I have ever known. His family comes from a long line of service members, ALL...Veterans. One Veteran's Day I was blessed enough to be in Chris' grandfather's house and he was sharing stories with Chris, which from my understanding he did not do often. He was telling Chris about WWII and Chris' Dad being born, him not seeing him until he was almost 4. And at that moment I was able to put a real face to a Veteran, a man who had given up and missed out on so much so he could do the honorable thing and serve his country, a Veteran that would soon be my family too. I had never had that before so I sat there listening to this sweet, kind and gentle man share his stories with his grandson about the way the army and war was back when he served. Chris and I would soon be going to Ft. Sill, OK and then Ft. Hood, TX both places of which his grandfather had been stationed. Back then it was Camp Hood and there was no town surrounding it at all. He told us stories for a long time and I till carry them with me, as Chris did too.
Since that Veteran's Day, I have always looked at Veterans with so much love and compassion. Veterans are not just men and women willing to serve our country, to bare arms against the enemy or serve in peace times. Veterans are men and women who are willing to give up their lives as they know it to serve. They are willing to miss out on anniversaries, birthdays, holidays and family time. They miss out on their children's first steps, first words, graduations, first dates, all the important stuff that is so much a part of what our families are. They miss out on deaths, memorials and the chance to say "Goodbye" to their loved ones. Veterans are not just soldiers that hold weapons and fought when told to like robots, these are family men and women, they are caring, loving, passionate and patriotic heroes all wrapped into one amazing being. Veterans are why we speak the language we do, why we can still fly our flags, why we still have the right to the 1st Amendment, and they are the reason why we should be seeking them out to THANK them this Veterans Day.
This year, seek out a Veteran. If you are near Ft. Hood find those men and women...those boys and shake their hands, salute them and let them know how much you appreciate them and are proud of them. If you are near any other post or base, do the same; that is a given easy chance to do the right thing and thank a Veteran. If you are not near a post or base, go to Applebees or Golden Corral, they are offering a free meal to our Veterans/Service Men and women, pay for your meal that will pay for theirs and then THANK them! Take the time to show your children that THIS is what Veterans Day is all about! The pride, the love, the support and the gratitude for and in our Veterans.
I am blessed to have so many amazing Men and Women in my life that are Veterans, that stood up and took the call to duty. My husband was one of them, my sisters husbands are many many others. But beyond that there are many in my life such as Michael, my amazing boyfriend who served 21yrs in the Navy (okay wrong branch but Ill forgive him), my wonderful friends David, Tom, Sean, Stephen, Michael, 1-15 FA Illum group, CSM King all the guys that served with Chris, Hecker, White, Perez and Morales, all who perished that same day. Chris' grandfather who is the sweetest man I have ever met, Chris' Uncles, for Lisa Hackett's father and grandfather, and all my Army Wives Friends who's husbands are still serving so proudly....I THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!! I thank you for giving my children a safer place, for giving me the freedoms that I do not take for granted. I thank you for being brave enough to serve our country. Today and all days, I honor you, am proud of you and so very proud to be an AMERICAN!
Thank you my military family...thank you!