My unexpected journey with this movie:
The other night I wanted to just curl up and watch a love story. Something to take me away, take my mind of being sick and the incredibly lonely feeling Ive had lately. I wanted to escape to another time, another world, another life. So I flipped throught the channels...nothing. How is it that I have over 200 channels and there was nothing on that I wanted to watch? Its the same phenom of opening a frig full of food yet there is nothing in there you want to eat. Anyway I digress, I then went to the On Demand list and found "Love Happens" with Jennifer Aniston and I remember wanting to see it. Thinking it was an ushy gushy love story I picked it. 3.99 later, hot tea and my warm bed I was ready to go.
This movie took me on an unexpected journey that just stole my attention from the mintue it started. With all that I will write in here, it wont even touch on the feelings that you get from watching this movie. I sat there warm tea in hand and just had tears pouring down my face. Good tears, cleansing tears, tears that allowed me to feel alive and well again. And that may sound odd to most but I do know that with each word I type, my widsters will understand fully what I am trying to convey.
The movie is about a gentleman who is in essance a motivational speaker on grief. You see this guy who has written this book on how to grieve. A book that is based on his own journey. Its been three and a half years for him since his wife died, he is a widower. The difference in perspective was wonderful as you see that this pain and longing and anger crosses time and gender alike. It made me realize that its not just because we are all crazy emotional females that we feel this way at all. Now I know this is not a true story or was not stated it was but whom ever wrote this has either been through this themselves or knows someone they are very close to that has. The emotions are just too real for it not to be. The motivational speaker lost his wife in a car accident. The pain he feels from that is conveyed with so much feeling and love. The internal battle he fights is what we all go through.
You learn that this character, the motivational speaker has a tour with his book where he has groups of people that come to his workshops on grief. He helps them move through the different stanges of grief and reach a point where they are okay feeling what they need to feel to move forward and through their own journey. You come to find out that he threw himself into this project without going through the very steps that he says are essential to the grieving process. Through this he meets Jennifer Aniston's character and finds her to be a light he has been missing for so long, but he is torn as he knows he has not gone through what he needs to to take this next step.
This movie took me on an emotional roller coaster. I found myself sitting there screaming in my mind, "you cant love her you have not faced your own fears" and then just sitting there waiting for him to do something about it. With each step he took I remember the steps in my own life that were similar. I felt what he was feeling and I wanted so badly to reach out to him knowing I had been there and felt that too. There is a part when he does something that his wife asked of him if anything should ever happen to her and when he was doing that, I just sat there with my breath held; watching and as he did this I sighed a huge relief and then that is when I first felt the tear roll down my cheeck. And for a moment I thought "wow we have all in some way, in our own way let a part of who that person was and who we were go" that was amazing to me. And the things that happened in the movie itself were not the same as what has happened to us as widows, but the idea and the feelings were all there and intense.
The complete emotional circle that comes forth in this movie touched me. I sat there with tears still rolling down my face and thought, "holy cow I didnt see that one coming!" But I am so happy that I watched it. It's stayed with me and so I had to write about it. Its not overly emotional but for those of us who have rowed these waters in our own little boats you will truly understand and appreciate this moive.
I hightly recommend this movie. Its almost a flashback to what we have all felt at some point. And just the way it makes the "normal" for us so much more normal and the love he finds just so hopeful and wonderful that its a must see. But I will worn you if you look this movie up it was given awful reviews and I almost did not pick it due to that.....
That is my two thumbs up widster movie review for the week! :)

The other night I wanted to just curl up and watch a love story. Something to take me away, take my mind of being sick and the incredibly lonely feeling Ive had lately. I wanted to escape to another time, another world, another life. So I flipped throught the channels...nothing. How is it that I have over 200 channels and there was nothing on that I wanted to watch? Its the same phenom of opening a frig full of food yet there is nothing in there you want to eat. Anyway I digress, I then went to the On Demand list and found "Love Happens" with Jennifer Aniston and I remember wanting to see it. Thinking it was an ushy gushy love story I picked it. 3.99 later, hot tea and my warm bed I was ready to go.
This movie took me on an unexpected journey that just stole my attention from the mintue it started. With all that I will write in here, it wont even touch on the feelings that you get from watching this movie. I sat there warm tea in hand and just had tears pouring down my face. Good tears, cleansing tears, tears that allowed me to feel alive and well again. And that may sound odd to most but I do know that with each word I type, my widsters will understand fully what I am trying to convey.
The movie is about a gentleman who is in essance a motivational speaker on grief. You see this guy who has written this book on how to grieve. A book that is based on his own journey. Its been three and a half years for him since his wife died, he is a widower. The difference in perspective was wonderful as you see that this pain and longing and anger crosses time and gender alike. It made me realize that its not just because we are all crazy emotional females that we feel this way at all. Now I know this is not a true story or was not stated it was but whom ever wrote this has either been through this themselves or knows someone they are very close to that has. The emotions are just too real for it not to be. The motivational speaker lost his wife in a car accident. The pain he feels from that is conveyed with so much feeling and love. The internal battle he fights is what we all go through.
You learn that this character, the motivational speaker has a tour with his book where he has groups of people that come to his workshops on grief. He helps them move through the different stanges of grief and reach a point where they are okay feeling what they need to feel to move forward and through their own journey. You come to find out that he threw himself into this project without going through the very steps that he says are essential to the grieving process. Through this he meets Jennifer Aniston's character and finds her to be a light he has been missing for so long, but he is torn as he knows he has not gone through what he needs to to take this next step.
This movie took me on an emotional roller coaster. I found myself sitting there screaming in my mind, "you cant love her you have not faced your own fears" and then just sitting there waiting for him to do something about it. With each step he took I remember the steps in my own life that were similar. I felt what he was feeling and I wanted so badly to reach out to him knowing I had been there and felt that too. There is a part when he does something that his wife asked of him if anything should ever happen to her and when he was doing that, I just sat there with my breath held; watching and as he did this I sighed a huge relief and then that is when I first felt the tear roll down my cheeck. And for a moment I thought "wow we have all in some way, in our own way let a part of who that person was and who we were go" that was amazing to me. And the things that happened in the movie itself were not the same as what has happened to us as widows, but the idea and the feelings were all there and intense.
The complete emotional circle that comes forth in this movie touched me. I sat there with tears still rolling down my face and thought, "holy cow I didnt see that one coming!" But I am so happy that I watched it. It's stayed with me and so I had to write about it. Its not overly emotional but for those of us who have rowed these waters in our own little boats you will truly understand and appreciate this moive.
I hightly recommend this movie. Its almost a flashback to what we have all felt at some point. And just the way it makes the "normal" for us so much more normal and the love he finds just so hopeful and wonderful that its a must see. But I will worn you if you look this movie up it was given awful reviews and I almost did not pick it due to that.....
That is my two thumbs up widster movie review for the week! :)
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